What’s Your Personal Dharma?


Dharma is but, simply put, “The pursuit of a higher calling, living a life in alignment with the will of your highest self, serving the greater good and reaching your highest potential in this lifetime”. When on the dharmic path, then fulfillment of life purpose is easier as one can stay on the path without disturbances.

The challenge is usually to identify, follow & live your true purpose.  A dharmic path has less suffering as it is removed from petty troubles of everyday life. Contrary to popular belief, dharma does not entail religious connotations. It focuses on serving the grander picture of your life’s fulfilment. 

Our souls are old, thousands of lives old. Over the course of every life, we have done plenty of good, and by the same coin, likely plenty of not so good as well. After being burned millions of times, our souls cry for liberation, to be freed from the karma we’ve accumulated. Most of us live karmic lives. We are troubled by karmic diseases, whether they be a troublesome relationship or financial woes, we all have experienced them in some way or the other. 

How to move a step close to your dharma?

The key to transitioning from a karmic life to a dharmic one is to keep an open heart & mind. Karmic lives are led with an ego, whereas one leading a dharmic life has surrendered themself to a higher purpose. If we don’t learn from our mistakes in this life, we are likely to repeat them in the next. Our souls are here to learn and to grow. To clear our karma, the first step is to move past trivial matters & toxic relationships of everyday life that consume precious time.

It’s not easy to do that on your own, and it’s important to invest in a professional mentor. 

Identify what it is the world needs and match it with your inherent talent.


How can you use those gifts to create a positive change on a global scale? 

When we decide to pursue a dharmic life, we take every decision & action in our life, keeping our dharma as the central focus. If my dharma requires me to travel & spread the teachings & heal the world, then one cannot occupy themselves in mothering a child & their birthday parties & medical appointments & cook & clean & family drama & society expectations that takes up 80% of the time. Dharmic life is not lived by just associating yourself with a purpose, it is about how much of your time are you dedicating in service towards that purpose, what is the impact of your efforts, what is the legacy that you will leave behind that will impact thousands or even millions.

When in a dharmic life, one is still working patiently & consciously working through their own remaining karma. 

It is more likely for one to conceive an advanced baby whose life path is different from other babies around them and needs guidance from an advanced soul to guide their life, since they have walked through a similar journey of life and thus understand other advanced souls.

My Dharma, my Higher Purpose

I seek to heal the world with BEwell Science healing techniques that were long last & it took decades of travel & research to consolidate the secrets & invent the healing modality. Imagine, if we all learn and become self-healers, we know a powerful self-help tool to clear our karmic burden & release us from emotional & mental suffering.

If you would like to learn, Visit https://www.bihcglobal.com/courses/mastering-your-third-eye-level-1?ref=4ac2b6

Through the educational curriculum at BELife Institute, I strive to guide more people to their dharmic lives, and in turn, expand the consciousness of society. This will help them eradicate suffering from their lives, grow into a cultured human being and awaken to their own purpose in life. Thus, entering world service & the evolutionary path. 

Imagine a world, where each human being has advanced to the consciousness of a saint, master or sage. That is “HEAVENS on EARTH LIFESTYLE”, as said by Master Del Pe.

Learn, Earn & Grow on your path

Oftentimes we will be met with some friction. It could be family, or friends, that do not see eye to eye and cannot relate, however, using energy work & healing techniques such as ours, we heal the relationships, lineage, past lives & bless situations that are blocking us from living our dharmic life. That said, the dharmic path is one of peace and tranquility. It is your most valuable investment.

It is not an easy path, and that is why it is greatly beneficial to seek the help of a life mentor & work with your spiritual group that can help you overcome challenges & heal along the way. 

I work with clients around the world in their journey of self-discovery & healing, as I myself have walked and entered my dharmic life & understand its ups and downs.


The Story of a Psychic, Intuitive Healer Accepting her Gifts - Part 2


The Story of a Psychic, Intuitive Healer Accepting her Gifts - Part 1