The Story of a Psychic, Intuitive Healer Accepting her Gifts - Part 2

Part 2: Embracing and Expressing the Power Within

Before I take you on this journey of self-acceptance and transformation, I would like to thank you for reading my story so far and getting to know me better. I sincerely hope this inspires you to express your real self and find your life’s purpose, just like I did.

The beginning of a journey

“The spiritual journey is the unlearning of fear and the acceptance of love.” – Marianne Williamson

My journey to becoming the strong woman, healer, and psychic I am today wasn’t easy. It was a convoluted path and never a straight one.

You are already aware of how my childhood shaped me. My own disconnect and lack of awareness, and fear and shame surrounding who I am, and not having an advanced child mentor to navigate me through all this – it was tough. I struggled, and a part of me shut down.

I wasn’t as ready then as I was now.

Me with my sisters

Studying spirituality

There is something beautiful about meditation. It transcends you in a different world yet helps you stay grounded in the present. It calms you and energises you at the same time. It lets you focus on details, step away, and see the bigger picture, all at once.

Meditation opened my mind up to endless possibilities. I learned a lot under the guidance of Master Del Pe (MDP). I had longed for a higher purpose and a career with deeper meaning. This longing made me take a leap of faith. I journeyed for 24 hours to travel to the MDP village in the Philippines. It changed my life forever. I was finally in the company of like-minded people who understood me completely. I was under the guidance of a Master who didn’t preach but simply helped me explore spirituality in my way. This was a stark contrast to the education and mentoring system I experienced in schools and at home.

Guest House and kitchen at MDP village

Psychics, healers, spiritually-inclined, spiritually-advanced humans – all felt like home. It was a relief and a privilege to be in their presence. Spirituality had appeared before me in all shapes and forms, but our purpose of serving, healing, growing, spreading love, hope & positivity, and imparting strength, bound us all.

A part of me always felt ashamed of being different and insecure about being mocked. I was afraid of being looked down upon for choosing an unconventional path. A path that was not accepted as a registered profession like banking, medicine, dance, and scientific research. Most people providing the service that I do share very different backgrounds than mine. But I realised this is what makes me unique. This difference helps me provide exponential value to my clients and students.

Many out there are looking for a healer and trainer that they can relate to, who has lived a life similar to them. This was my personal battle, and I harnessed energy and the power of healing to identify and destroy my insecurities, illusions, glamour, and the maya of mundane life.

Spirituality today

Today I am a self-aware healer, psychic, coach, and just a friend to anyone who’s lost in this big world. Spirituality is often misrepresented in TV shows, movies, and fiction books. The mystical sciences seem to be taboo still and are depicted using dark colours, eerie music and are deemed ‘odd’ to say the least. Horror movies do a great job of scaring people away and instilling fear about the unknown.

While it is true that negative energies and practices exist, it is also true that positive energies exist and even thrive in the world. It is sad how no one represents healers, intuitive people, psychics, positive energy, and other spiritual powers. These powers can help change and transform humans and even societies for the better, and they can help us all heal the world.

People can start healing themselves and their loved ones with some self-awareness and a little knowledge of spirituality. People like me, who have studied the science of spirituality and healing, must help others achieve the best too. For that is how we will all thrive together as humans. 

Helping you

“Everything you need – courage, strength, compassion, love – is already within you.”

Just like I realised I was different, many kids learn that they don’t fit in society’s moulds early on. Kids and young adults with advanced and old souls and even highly sensitive children need a more open upbringing. They need to be taught how to channelise their energy effectively. They require a kind, loving, creative environment to express themselves freely. Being different and unique needs to be normalised.

I can help such beautiful yet lost souls. As a certified trainer & coach at the BElife Institute for Higher Consciousness, I can help you evolve into the human you were meant to be. We indulge in no gimmicks and superstitions with experienced teachers and a spiritually advanced community.

This is pure science, pure energy, pure intention. 

Lastly, my wish for everyone is to just pause, breathe and look within. Experience a different approach to living life. Listen to your thoughts. Challenge your limiting beliefs and see the world with newer perspectives. Stop and walk in a world that only runs.

Connect with me to connect with yourself and find your life’s purpose.



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