5 Lessons I Learned While Learning to Love Myself

The Key to Practicing Self-Love 

We spend the majority of our lives perfecting the external- our careers, relationships, chef skills and the like. However, it is equally or perhaps even more important to focus on the internal. Practicing self love (the act of treating ourselves with love and compassion) can make us feel more whole and worthy, thereby allowing us to contribute more to the world. 

Getting started can be tricky though, read on for five important lessons I learned in my pursuit of self love. 


  1. Who am I?

Seems like an easy question right? Of course, I know who I am.

But who am I, really? 

In today’s fast paced world, often we get caught up with the business of living, seldom leaving time for what we pass off as trivial ponderings. When it comes to our careers and hobbies, many of us are hyper focused. And not that we shouldn’t be, no doubt our careers are important, they sustain us. However, competitive careers don’t leave much space for the individual, for our souls to flourish. I was guilty of this myself, and it was only when I began asking myself what I truly like, what I want to do ( as opposed to expected to do) and what I want from life, that I really began to live.

It’s natural to look for approval, and to a large extent, I’d say it feels rewarding to be recognized by our family and peers. That being said, in order to seek happiness it is vital to start living for yourself. After all, the only person who is going to stick by your side all through your life is YOU. By awakening your innermost heart and soul, you’ll be able to realign to your life’s natural path. Asking these questions led me to MDP village in the Philippines all those years ago, where I began my quest of self actualization. 

Whatever your purpose may be, identify it, and live it.

2. Listening to my Body

It’s all too easy to narrow in on all of our imperfections. But nobody’s perfect, and that’s okay! We should instead be focusing on all that our bodies can do and what they can offer us. Energy is manifested by our attention, and the more we focus on our positives, the more we’ll uncover. We shouldn’t associate our self worth with appearances.

We are not a body, but a soul that happens to be living in one. And so we should respect our bodies, doing so will allow us to live healthier, fuller lives. Identify your needs and stand up for them. For me, this meant giving up alcohol. It was a personal choice I made as I realized the drink does little for my spirit and less for my body. While I did have to combat peer pressure and social situations initially, my close friends and family quickly came to respect my choices, and the ones who didn’t, didnt really matter!

3. Healing my emotions

On the outside, we associate our idea of self worth based on how we are perceived. And we are perceived by our titles, and our achievements. There can be an overwhelming emphasis on our professional successes, job titles, relationships statuses and bank balances. However we are more than these statistics, we are inherently divine, beautiful and deserving, regardless of our momentary circumstances. It used to bother me that my in-laws didn’t take the time to understand my work or my goals, nor did they respect my career for the simple fact I was a woman. Change takes time, and now, years later they have begun to accept my professional choice, even though they yet dont acknowledge it or talk about it. Through this experience I learned an important lesson and began to stop seeking support from the outside and to find it within myself. I create my life as I grow.

4. But what if I don’t have any friends & family?

I always like to say Master Del Pe’s wise words, ” If you belong to the minority you don’t suffer, when you belong to the majority that is when you suffer”. 

Over the years, I’ve had many people hop on and subsequently hop off the train of life. As you continue to choose your personal evolution over all other things, those that don’t do this around you, will slowly start to fall off from your life. It doesn’t mean that you will have fights & fall off, it simply means that your priorities change, your perceptions change, your habits change. YOU GROW. Thus, they stay as social acquaintances. 

Since you are awakened and evolved, you do not suffer from the loneliness that the majority suffers & fears if they do not conform to the ways of the society. 

I can say that now I have the wisdom to lead my life and choose what relationships give me joy and peace & continue attracting my soul tribe with my new energy.

5. Self Actualization

Self Actualization is actually doing the work within oneself to create change in one’s personality and lifestyle. 

By becoming more self aware of who I am, what I enjoy and what my strengths and weaknesses are, I was able to continue improving myself. The more I practiced this idea, the more of myself I became, growing in authenticity. I saw the benefits of this unfold in my life tenfold. Turning to my authenticity and practicing self love, allowed me to help my husband turn to his. And the more authentic each of us became, the more our relationship improved. I rediscovered my inner-child, and revived a once slumbering joy for living. It helped reinvigorate my heart & soul – increasing my vibration, and realigning me onto my life’s path. Awakening my soul helped me realize my true identity, all the things I am and all the things I’m not. 

Through all this, it is important to remember that we are human, and it is okay to make mistakes. What matters is what we can learn from them. When in doubt, never hesitate to ask questions, and to take help. Remember that the answer always lies within, turn to your inner wisdom and begin practicing self love to activate your energy center to live in the flow of life. 

If you have any questions or need guidance, feel free to reach out to me, I’d be honoured to help out in any way I can. I look forward to meeting the real you! Contact me.


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