Spiritual Partnerships

It’s no secret that relationships can be complex, each with their highs and lows. Often, relationships bring with them expected roles that one plays. It is not necessarily gendered roles ( though they may play a part ), but rather behavior expected of you. For example, you may be the more logical in the relationship, and your partner may be the dreamer. While these roles are respective to your individualities and can make for a balanced and dynamic relationship, they are simultaneously constraining. Having defined roles in a relationship can tie one down, reducing the opportunity to grow and develop as an individual. 

A Balance of Souls

Traditionally, relationships are somewhat balanced. Each partner brings something to the table, and through compromises, finds a system that works for both of them. While this may work on the surface, I find this way to feel inherently limiting. This is where spiritual relationships come in. 

Relationship expert and author of Spiritual Partnership defines the same as, “A spiritual partnership is a partnership between equals for the purpose of spiritual growth.” My relationships turned into an avenue for mutual growth, wherein my partner and I prioritized individuality and acceptance whilst working on our weaknesses and learning our lessons.

Soul Connections

A spiritual partnership is not a relationship formed out of convenience; it takes conscious effort from all involved parties. But it is well worth the effort. By keeping a close eye on your thought processes, analyzing your emotions, questioning your decisions, understanding your motivation, and building courage, compassion, and clear communication, your relationship will not only be freeing, but you will also gain a deeper understanding of yourself. This is imperative, as it allows you and your partner to create a genuine “Soul Connection”. 

A soul connection can only be established only after one has gained a fair amount of understanding of their authentic self, their soul. It is the foremost factor of a thriving spiritual partnership, the basis on which a deep connection is formed. 

In today’s times, our true self is coated in a lot of identities that we put on, a product of our environment, not formed from within. Having lost touch with our identity makes it much more difficult to hold a stable relationship. “Soul connections on the other hand can be so powerful that they can last many lifetimes, a stark contrast to most, finding it difficult to spend even 10 years with the same person.”

Image source: Google

Characteristics of a Strong Spiritual Partnership

In a spiritual partnership, the focus is not on changing one another but instead encouraging each other to grow, to become the most authentic version of oneself. Ensuring a separation between you, your partner and the relationship, allows you and your partner to work on each aspect simultaneously. It is said that a spiritual partnership is the highest form of love. It can defy age, it can define conventional norms of the society, it defies physical beauty standards. “What is most important in a spiritual partnership is continuous evolution of the two souls involved and their alignment to a shared higher purpose or mission in life.” 

Image source: Google

In Conclusion

A spiritual partnership requires trust and zero judgement. It has to be a safe space where being vulnerable can be comfortable. For this, both partners must be committed to personal growth and the evolution of one’s consciousness. Sometimes the speed of one person’s growth may not be the same as the other’s. What is important is that both partners share the same goals, not becoming a hindrance or a roadblock in achieving that common vision. 

Eventually a spiritual partnership shares higher values & beliefs & inherent wisdom of the universe and is a very evolved  partnership that can defy old ways, old traditions, and not conform to what is “NORMAL”. Sometimes such relationships can be turbulent in the beginning as both of you have so much to learn from each other, but as both grow and evolve, things flow effortlessly. 

Support and understanding, two cornerstones of a spiritual partnership will go a long way in any relationship. There is a sense of equality, a connection that is felt between souls. No matter what stage of a relationship you are in, I am always available to guide you on your partnerships and your quest of spirituality.

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