Top 7 Reasons Why Yoga & Meditation ISN’T Enough

Introductory Guide to Understand Spirituality

The path to enlightenment can be a complicated labyrinth without the proper guidance. Yoga, meditation and the like are all but tools towards spirituality, not the answer in itself. There is a myriad of reasons why despite one’s best efforts, they seem to fall just short of achieving enlightenment.

  1. The Comfort Zone

Change can be stressful, and putting in the effort can be tiring. Within one’s comfort zone, one is safe, but also stagnant. Unless you challenge yourself, you won’t give yourself an opportunity to grow. Spirituality cannot be practiced in part, you have to wholeheartedly adopt it and make it your own.

2. Family Karma

Perhaps the most difficult karma for anyone to overcome, family karma may even seem to go against our very human nature. No one likes to be an outcast, but however as one pursues to grow on their spiritual path, there will be those that do not see eye to eye, unsympathetic to your lifestyle or purpose.

There are ways to positively reconstruct such situations where one can reduce a load of family karma to work towards their dharma. One such method is detachment. Detachment from everyday situations can trigger us or can be a cause for conflict. Always remember to make conscious decisions that are applicable to you and not blindly following the herd.


3. Balance Spiritual & Material

A good balance between the two will take you far in your path of enlightenment. If you are materially successful but spiritually weak, then allocating funds, time & efforts towards spiritual pursuits, not always looking for freebies when it comes to spiritual progress but actually investing in it will help you progress. On the other hand, if you are spiritually advanced, then you can focus on using the tools like energy work, manifestation, & martial arts given to you to progress materially as well.

Source: Google

4. Your Personal Spiritual Mentor

It is not enough to pursue spirituality on your own. If you are really serious about seeking enlightenment, then a mentor is a must. Not any mentor will do, as everyone is unique. Finding the right spiritual mentor, one who is aligned with your level of advancement will do you wonders and dramatically speed your growth. One needs a personal spiritual mentor & teacher, who is available, relatable and adapts to your methods of receiving information.

5. The Syllabus of Spirituality

Spirituality is a lifelong course. For long, there has been no tangible barometer to measure one’s growth, which is essential. Seeing progress helps one stay motivated, and in direction. Just how any subject needs theoretical & practical application, so does spirituality. Spirituality as a subject is taught in public domains at a basic level but with many loose ends. A University with teachings synthesized & simplified for the modern youth who are limited in time & want to achieve things fast is necessary.

Enroll today in BElife Institute of Higher Consciousness to advance your knowledge with a spiritual mentor to uplift you in your development.

6. Following Fads

With the rise in popularity of eastern values and traditions, yoga and meditation have become somewhat of a fad. Many claim spirituality, but beyond working with crystals, practising yoga or praying, do little to further their spiritual growth. While beneficial, these practices are but tools of spirituality, not the end game. Enlightenment dictates resilience, personal sacrifices, higher learning, character building, raising the vibration of the planet, a life of spiritual service until you merge and become one with all of this.


7. Moving from a karmic to a dharmic life

Karmic life is the day to day activities while dharmic life refers to a greater service & contribution to Earth. Many spiritual seekers have an affinity to help others but have still not embarked on fulfilling their dharma in the right way. Do ask yourself about the impact & magnitude of your contribution? If you are looking to find your dharma, then do get in touch with me.

Spirituality is a path, a full curriculum to be mastered, where one graduates in their levels of consciousness until they become enlightened and discarnate. If you really want to grow, you have to invest your time, energy & money in it.

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