5 Things You Can Do Right Now to Improve Your Mental Health

In today’s fast-paced world, it is all too easy to deprioritize our own personal mental health. With stress accumulating from all sides, work, family, and life’s myriad of responsibilities, burnout comes quickly, silently. And with fewer opportunities to vent or relax, even the strongest mental psyche is eroded over time. Given the present crisis, and the seemingly never-ending lockdown, upkeeping our mental health is more important than ever.

Read on for 5 things you can do right now to lift your spirits:

  1. Sunlight, Water & Nature

As normal as it may seem today, humans have only been dwelling within the confines of four walls for only a couple of generations; the vast majority of our history is spent under the canopy of tall trees. Nature heals, oftentimes a breath of cool fresh air is all that it takes to rejuvenate our moods. We all crave greenery, sometimes traveling miles just to escape. It’s not a placebo either, numerous studies have proven how being near nature can increase one’s focus and can help with relaxation. Moreover, the sun is a great source of vitamin D, an important ingredient for our brain’s serotonin production. Just thirty minutes of sunlight a day can make a huge difference. Water too is a basic, yet vital component of mental health. The human body is 60% water, the brain is 78%. Even a slight drop in our intake of water can cause mild dehydration. This oftentimes leads to crankiness and unpleasant mood swings.

Ensuring a good balance between the three, sunlight, nature and water will greatly increase one’s mental stability.

2. We are what we eat

There’s more to nutritional science than calories in and calories out. To put it simply, food is made up of chemicals, and when consumed, each reacts differently with our body, creating different reactions. A balanced diet is vital for a healthy mind, deficiencies in important vitamins and minerals can negatively impact our mood and brain function.

3. Dance & Music

Apart from the physiological benefits of dance, such as heart health, overall muscle strength, balance, and coordination, dance has also been proven to reduce depression. Numerous studies have been conducted around the world documenting the positive effects of music and dance on one’s psyche. Moreover, dance is a social activity, no doubt the interaction that comes with it helps lift one’s spirits as well. Regardless of age, gender or any other label, dance or any form of movement can greatly improve one’s mental health.

4. Raincheck on your existing medications

Medications are modern medical miracles, syrups, and tablets capable of curing disease and alleviating pain. However, oftentimes they come at a cost, of harmful side effects. Many medications can in fact deter your mental fortitude, symptoms including but not limited to depression and anxiety. There is hope however, talking to your doctor will often open up substitutes for your normal medication, holistic and natural alternatives. Such medicine has been used by humankind for generations, formed from the Earth, they are not artificial and are very safe.

5. Annual Healing Wellness Retreats

Humans are social beings. While the activities mentioned above no doubt will help raise your mood, little comes close to attending a healing wellness retreat. They do so much to restart, rejuvenate and cleanse the mind, body and soul. A retreat such as this will do wonders to releasing any negative emotions that you had pent up. Instead of only treating symptoms, healing retreats go deeper, to address your personal cause of any displeasures you may be experiencing. This enables you to vibrate at a higher frequency and live a life that is more aligned with your soul. Moreover, many healing and wellness retreats are now online, easily accessible from one’s home.

At the end of the day, the most valuable resource you can give yourself is time. Ensure that you always take time out of your day for yourself, to relax and to heal. Maintain a healthy balance for you and do all of the things mentioned above, and you are sure to see your mental health change for the better. And as always, you are not alone. If you have any questions, or want professional, personal guidance, do feel free to reach out. I am here to help.

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