Understanding the Scientific Truth Behind Spirituality

How do I apply Eastern Wisdom and make it practical & useful?

The foundation of my studies, research, and practice has been consistent to bridge Spiritual Psychology and Modern Science. It took me years to find a Mentor and a Master to teach and train me in this advanced Healing Science. The Just be Alive exercises taught by a BEWell Science healer are essentially biomechanical movements designed on the principle of velocity x mass = acceleration & power, that open up energy pathways and unclog congested energy stuck in the body. And we need that power to execute our plans!! Just like science has hypotheses to prove, JustBeFree and Inner Renewal Meditations are scientific meditations designed by MDP with predetermined goals to get focussed results without being spacey. These also have DOs and DONTs so one does not have side effects from their meditation practice.

A more concrete way to describe chakras would be to think of them as the software of our body that runs the hardware which is our organs and physical body. As we know, if the software malfunctions, even the hardware does not operate properly, and the same principle applies to the connection between chakras and our organs as well. Hence, balancing chakras from the root is very important to make our brain, liver, stomach, legs, heart, function well. This can be attained through healing and meditation and many other ancient techniques.

How do science and spirituality merge?

  1. Let us take energy healing as an example. It works at a deeper level of our DNA and changes our cellular structure, releases trauma stored over a period of time, and weaknesses of our culture and lineage. We know that energy is neither created nor destroyed, it only changes form and that is exactly how a well trained healer transmits energy from the source, via them to the patient. Energy healing works how signals travel through 4G mobile phones via the earth’s electromagnetic field. Similarly, the healing energies from the healer can travel anywhere across the globe. The frequency, power and training of the healer is very important that determines the strength of the signal, and thus the benefits received by the client. This helps in raising your vibrations by cleaning the energetic field so that you can vibrate at a higher frequency than the frequency of diseases and lower emotions.

  2. Healing with movements opens up energy pathways and unclog congested energy which gets stuck in the body. All of this relaxes the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system to rest, digest and cure mind and stomach related issues.  Healing sessions are like the pills to cure your ailments from their roots and not just to treat the symptoms. It has been proven to help in cases such as loss of cognition, brain fog, anxiety where medical intervention is a temporary measure.

  3. Another classic example to explain how spirituality and science merge is through the power of meditation. Many studies have proven that meditation alters brain waves, relaxes the vagus nerve, and leads to stress reduction. And deeper forms of techniques make us access altered states of mind to channel intuition and higher ideas. It also activates the pineal gland which is the life chip condenser at a physical level and connection to the soul.

    Science helps us find logical reasons and answers to why things happen and the way they happen. However, when we further delve deeper into the knowledge of it, one will always find that spirituality is at the crux of every scientific truth.


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