Understanding the Elements of Spiritual Coaching

Today, spirituality is being embraced by people regardless of their age. There is an awakening amongst individuals who are curious to know about their higher purpose. A multitude of queries arises when one embarks on a new journey. Spirituality is one such journey that has endless learning avenues. One can seek answers via google, podcasts, blogs etc, but the satisfaction derived from talking to a spiritual coach is unmatched. Exploring spirituality the right way can lead to happiness and well-being. This is something that a spiritual coach can help with.

In this blog, we will look into the concept of spiritual coaching, its benefits, and what a spiritual coach can offer you.

What is spiritual coaching?

As we enter different phases of our life or stumble upon hurdles, we always have a source of guidance. Sometimes, the guidance has a title too. In school, it is a teacher who helps us through our learning phase. At work, it is a mentor who teaches us life’s unsaid lessons. A therapist, a psychologist or a psychiatrist, who help us with our mental and psychological health issues. They may or may not use chemicals to treat and may work on surface-level symptoms. While family and friends are an ever-present source of guidance but not formally trained to help us in our problems. They can have biases and be judgemental too.

When it comes to a spiritual coach, he or she is trained to use many powers & techniques to help you tune into your mind. Spiritual coaching does not dwell on the past, it rather analyses it and pushes you into a better future. While not being merely a talk therapy, spiritual coaching is a structured approach with formally designed tools to help you navigate through the process. It helps you on your journey inwards and answers questions of life that are lying within you.

The aim of spiritual coaching is not to fix problems, but to give insights, guide, help, support and work in a strategic manner with an adaptive lifestyle to discover your authentic self.

What makes it different?

A spiritual coach listens, comprehends, and helps unfold your problems to give you more clarity. They illuminate the person with a better understanding of the problem, share solutions, and demonstrate different techniques. It is important to note that spiritual coaches are not the same as counselors or therapists. They help in any area of your life where you’re feeling unfulfilled, stuck or uninspired. A healer cum spiritual coach upgrades your vibration so it is faster for you to assimilate and apply the teachings in your life.

What can spiritual coaching offer me?

Spiritual coaching is a holistic healing experience looking into areas and problems of your life that occur repeatedly or even the ones you didn’t know existed. Some of the benefits are:

  • Improving your performance and maximizing your potential

  • Reprogramming your limiting beliefs and behaviors

  • Trained, non-judgemental insights into your problems

  • Direction, support, and guidance to specific questions and issue in life

  • Identification of your blind spots with a fresh perspective to overcome them

  • Helping you with unfulfilled areas of life like career, relationships, health, etc.

  • Boosting your belief in yourself, your dreams, and your achievements

  • Helping you find your way when you feel lost or confused or stuck in a rut

How to identify the right spiritual coach?

The most important factor to consider in a coach is ‘connect’. You need to find someone who resonates with you and believes in you. This is possible only if you try. Read about them, their experiences in life, knowledge, their techniques, approaches, personality, style of coaching etc. Trust your instincts and give them time to navigate you through the process. It is crucial to have a coach who advises but does not impose their will on you. As coaching is a meticulous process, you will not see results on day 1. It is a continuous process with time investment and a bond that is built between you and the coach.

If you have been on a quest to find the right spiritual coach for you, you can contact Kanupriya Saraf who is a formally trained Healer cum Life Coach. She offers a free 15 min consultation.

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