Body, Mind, Soul – Self-Care is Spiritual Development

“You got to nourish, to flourish”

Self-care – love yourself in a way, where “you matter”. It is about saying “yes” to ourselves first and making personal growth a priority. It is all about taking our power back and committing to our well-being at all levels. How deeply do we indulge in self-care? We have three levels of well-being, soul, mind and body. Often, we work so hard on our body and mind development that we neglect our soul development. They are interconnected wheels, if one wheel is imbalanced, the rest are imbalanced too.

Everything starts with you. When your personality and self (i.e. our body, vitality, emotions and mind), and your higher self (i.e. our soul/spirit) merge and align, you attain oneness in all forms. You become a soul living on earth and not a personality. That is why self-care, self-development, and self-mastery of soul, mind, and body is true personal growth.

Why is self-care important?

One has to fill their cup first because we can’t pour from an empty cup. Lack of self-care manifests as health issues, stress, emotional imbalances, financial blockages. It indirectly hampers our time spent with children, our self-worth, our performance at work, social relationships and so much more!

Why? because when we don’t care for ourselves, we unconsciously make wrong choices, we make decisions that do not serve our purpose and often give up, end up feeling lost and neglect our self-care needs. Neglected issues layer themselves into major blockages.

What happens when we start caring about ourselves?

We start living in alignment and become our best selves. It builds a deeper connection with our soul that guides us in the right direction. We tend to develop more strength and courage to deal with problems and are well protected from situations, people, and circumstances as needed. Situations become less painful and more peaceful in every aspect as we embrace a deeper self-care routine.

Why is soul development important?

“Soul lives a million lives and our body lives for about 70-80 years. Thus, investment in soul development has the highest ROI.”

Every soul goes into a cycle of birth, death and rebirth, also called a cycle of reincarnation. Death is just the absence of the body and not our soul. Soul development is all about learning lessons from our karma that we create in every lifetime. When our soul or the Atma reincarnates it chooses a body to learn or neutralize its karma from previous and current lifetimes. We reincarnate million times to learn all our lessons and to get enlightened, after which we don’t reincarnate again.

Our soul is constant throughout all the lifetimes and it stores all your memories, learnings, and guidance of all lifetimes. It knows your past, present, and future. That is why investing in soul development is important.

On the contrary, when we work excessively on soul development and neglect our body hygiene and sanitation needs, this creates an imbalance too. It is important to build a physical body that is resilient and strong to practice alchemy and soul awakening techniques. The divine light is very strong and one needs to have a strong and healthy body to receive this light. A weaker body might lead to weak and brittle bones or excess energy accumulation. A good diet and nutrition are equally important as you become what you eat.

What can you practice to develop your soul, mind, and body?


Exercise, eat nutritious food, go for wellness & health appointments, massages, personal hygiene and grooming, rest and sleep, practice skincare routine, treat yourself, call a friend or family, catching up on chores, listen to good music, take up a hobby, wake up later than usual sometimes.


Journal, Solve puzzles, Read books, meditate, sign up for  courses, podcasts catered towards personal growth, learn new skills, write down all your tasks and organize yourself, set healthy boundaries, prioritise your needs.


Energy balancing of chakras, Breathing techniques, practice soul alignment meditation, awakening sheets of kundalini, practice forgiveness & gratitude, study and implement spiritual knowledge, go for Spiritual retreats (these are different from wellness retreats), Live a mindful lifestyle, service to others, allocate time for self-reflection, donations to generate karmic equity, work with a spiritual coach who can navigate and uplift you to achieve results.

To conclude, balancing and aligning the soul, mind, the body is the best form of self-care and is the key to higher spiritual advancement. Humanity’s primary purpose is to attain enlightenment which is possible as we get aligned with our soul, our higher self.

“I am not my body, I am not my mind, I AM THAT I AM” – Master Del Pe


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