BEwell Science – An Integrated Approach To Health and Healing

It is not uncommon to have a strip of tablets handy in your bag or at your work desk for those uncalled days when we feel ‘under the weather’. While those may be quick fixes to our ailments, there has been a surge of tapping into alternative medicine and healing modalities. Alternative healing methods have been around for as old as 700 years and go a long way in healing through different techniques and therapies.

An important aspect of alternative healing is introspection is that they cure your issues from its roots and origins by tapping into your subconscious mind. While the process may be slow-paced, the results have known to be long lasting. Some of the alternative healing methods are Reiki, Ayurveda, Acupuncture, Hypnosis, Naturopathy, Tai Chi, dietary supplements, visualization and guided imagery etc.

BEwell Science is one such alternative healing modality, conceptualised by Master Del Pe with an ideology of “reinventing healthcare by healing your flow of energy”. It is an evolved alternative science aimed at healing the five layers of human aura and intelligence and goes deeper into human psychology. This modality helps heal the physical body, vitality, emotions, mental and spiritual aspects. It combines the study and  principles of deep ‘psyche’ meaning ‘soul’ in Greek coupled with modern science to offer the most advanced form of healing.

Who can benefit from BEwell Science?

Anyone and everyone. People who wish to cure chronic ailments or issues of the past with all natural and permanent solutions, BEwell science is just right for them. While there are medications available for persistent diseases, what about the non-medical responders of psycho-spiritual issues like the dark night of the soul, genetic problems, hallucination, bi-polar, schizophrenia and many karmic issues are carried from the past life?. These issues have deeper esoteric root causes and our naked eyes cannot comprehend them, neither can our hands touch them.

As they say, what you are today is a sum of your past. If you are born with health conditions, one of the causes could be that it is carried forward from your past life. The frequency of those problems is different from the advancement of science so far. You cannot medicate or put hormonal therapy on loneliness. How can you heal jealousy rivalry with medicines?So many mental and emotional diseases cannot be healed with medications.

New diseases and mental illnesses of new advanced souls cannot be healed by psychological counselling. As humanity is evolving, the make-up of our chakras is evolving so new technology is needed when dealing with new souls. This is where BE well science steps in. It is an advanced science of meditation and healing that elevates you to a theta state by tapping into that brain wave frequency and channeling intuition. It also accesses the wisdom of your soul to guide you. You are able to comprehend situations beyond the intellectual mind. It helps you unlock the answers of your subconscious mind giving you results that are miraculous.

Techniques of BEwell Science

It first releases the trapped lower emotions before infusing you with energy of a higher vibration. If you add positive energy to an existing toxic field, it becomes a mix of too many emotions. So, we first extract the toxic energy, lighten your load before we inject with positive energy and further coach and mentor. The effect is 10 times faster versus a talk therapy which gives temporary relief and you end up circulating the energy of your words which can be counter-effective.

When we listen to our client, we are hearing them through our third eye and psychic abilities. The healing is holistic, natural with no side effects. It can be practised from the comfort of your home and is a lifetime investment for your health and mental growth. We use a combination of many different well-researched techniques including mantric yoga & sacred sounds, visualisation, affirmation, colour & energy healing techniques, bubble and extraction of toxic energy, healing power of the soul, guided self-healing meditation, purifying and rejuvenation of our bodies through Yoga cum martial arts exercises, psychic shielding and defense, accompanied with coaching & mentoring to align and balance ourselves.

The energy techniques used during the session use the power of your mind to program and empower your future for abundance and manifest the greatest life that you deserve. They dispel and destroy illusions of the mind, glamour of the emotions and maya of the body. It awakens your philosophical and abstract mind to help you get an understanding of your situation from a higher state of consciousness.

To help you on this journey of attaining good health and longevity, a BEwell science healer has to undergo intense studies and meticulous training to be certified. You can identify a good healer by knowing how advanced their healing technology is, knowing their wisdom and how clean their own system and energy field is. As a BE well Science healer, I am supported by an international team of specialists and trainers under the World Institute of Incurable Diseases. I am constantly associated with my mentor and teacher who trains me with new strategies of healing. 

Once the trapped trauma is released from the brain, body, energy field and a connection to your soul is established, you slowly begin to heal. My advice to my clients is, “open your mind to the journey within” as answers to your problems and questions in life, lie within us. It is always helpful to have someone to hand-hold and navigate you through the process. We also have a curriculum and the necessary tools for those who wish to continue on their path of personal growth, self-mastery and heal all aspects of their life. The tools equip you to practice meditation and exercises on your own for lifestyle management, and further increase your understanding of spiritual concepts.


Ways To Speed Up the Process Of Manifesting Your Best Life!


Body, Mind, Soul – Self-Care is Spiritual Development