Ways To Speed Up the Process Of Manifesting Your Best Life!

All that we are is a result of what we have thought’ – Buddha

We are vibrational beings living in a vibrational world. We can be in tune with the universe and channel the power of manifestation. We can use our thoughts, words, feelings and emotions to intentionally create something for us. Something that we desire or even, something that we have long been yearning for.

Manifestation is more than wishful thinking – it is about being conscious of oneself. It is acknowledging that manifestation follows a cyclic path. Our thoughts influence our feelings, which can influence our actions, and further the life we want to co-create. It also teaches us to be more connected to our higher self and intuition, the value of being aligned and to enjoy the overall journey. 

To help you on this path of manifestation, below are some ways that can be useful in attaining what’s best for you:

1.    Know Your Chakras:

Chakras are the energy centres of our body and correspond to our glands. Translating to a spinning wheel, there are 13 major chakras in the BEWell Science healing modality and many minor and mini chakras. When your chakras are healthy, open and spinning the right way, it helps you achieve your full manifestation power.

The combination of activating the objective chakras Ajna, Navel and Base of Spine is one of the secrets to money and financial manifestation. Ajna helps you to expand your mental stamina, will power and focus. Navel boosts your stamina, energy, vitality. The base of the Spine gives you the physical strength and allows you to execute and manifest in the material world.

2.    Understand The Law of Karma

The Sanskrit word karma means action. The law of karma tells us that actions have commensurate consequences in time, both in the short term and the long term. It is important to understand the law and how it is connected to entitlement.

Simply put, many times we think we deserve better things, but we don’t get what we desire because maybe we have not earned enough virtues/good karma. Consequently, we sometimes end up getting more than we asked for because of the virtues we have acquired. To manifest our desires, it is important to be aware of the karmic equity we have generated via our good deeds.

3.    Align Your Vibrations

When your soul, mind and body is in alignment, you vibrate at a higher frequency. Every object, feeling, experience has a vibration, and when you vibrate at the same frequency as the things you desire, you end up manifesting them. For example, if you desire to have a car and your mindset, attitudes, actions, beliefs are aligned with receiving your favourite car, it is more likely that you would manifest it and vice versa.

Remember that you have the power to guide your energy and your emotions and can gain awareness over the vibration you are sending out there for The Universe to respond to. Our thoughts and intentions attract or repel the substance that we need.

4.    Change Your Mindset

Unlock the abundance by rewiring the limiting consciousness and negative thoughts by releasing the mindset and empowering it positively. You need to reboot your mind with flourishing thoughts.

Be conscious of how you talk and feel about every aspect of your life. Be more grateful and appreciate the little things. One unlocks blessings for oneself when you are kind and wish the best for others. Verbally misused statements can weaken the manifestation process and affect attracting abundance.

5.    Surrender

Sometimes what we want is not always the best for us. It can lead to attracting the wrong things or choices that may not be healthy. The secret is to be open and surrender to receiving the best. When you learn to surrender, you learn to trust the Universe and all the things that are yet to come.

Here’s a tip: when you manifest and talk to the Universe, always end the conversation by saying- this will only manifest if it’s good for my whole life and it will materialise positively and successfully.

6.    Heal Your Energy

Heal your past so that the negativity of your past does not create obstacles for the future. When you have not healed, you operate from painful experiences that create limitations. When you are surrounded by limitations in your head and make choices based on pain and not joy, you are scared of being vulnerable. Healing your energy helps you to vibrate at a higher level constantly.

7.    Be More Responsible

We need to appreciate materialistic possessions and avoid wastage. We should spend our hard-earned money wisely and appropriately. Practise being sustainable and giving back to mother Earth. You can use creative intelligence i.e. intelligent hard work, power of knowledge and adaptability coupled with spiritual laws to unblock your problems of life.

Strong willpower and focus overcome obstacles and determines the speed, power, dynamism and continuity of the results. When your thoughts are supported by will power and focus, it takes you one extra step closer towards manifestation.

8.    Redesign Your Space

Consider redesigning your home or office space with Feng Shui. Feng Shui has an impact on your career and finances as well. The directions and the energy of your home and office affect the energy flow and abundance in every aspect of your life.

All the above techniques have been inspired by the teachings of my spiritual teacher, MDP. If you have a vision for your life and believe that amazing opportunities await, you have already taken the first step. The Universe is listening to you. All it takes is persistent efforts from your end to co-create your desires. You will get there!


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BEwell Science – An Integrated Approach To Health and Healing