Claim Your Inner Peace Now: Ways To Find Peace & Balance In Life

Nothing can bring you peace but yourself.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

We live in unique times, times that are uncertain and sometimes, overwhelming. This competitive world comes with a lot of pressure, demands, and responsibilities that make it hard for us to enjoy the inner peace we deserve. Our thoughts constantly race us making us yearn for the calm in the chaos. It is a shared experience. An experience we all face together of treading uncharted territories.

Never have we been more connected with the world while being disconnected with ourselves at the same time. We need to reclaim the connection with the deepest aspect of ourselves. It is in the journey that begins inwards that paves the way for inner peace.

Inner peace and balance do not come from a state of doing but, from a state of being. Simply put, Inner peace refers to a state of being mentally and spiritually at peace, with enough knowledge and understanding to keep oneself strong in the face of stress.

Attaining inner peace may seem like passing a thread through a needle at first but, with practise and grit, one can master the art of making inner peace a state of being from which to live.

To help, here are 6 ways to experience inner peace and enjoy life on a deeper, more satisfying level.

1. Energy follows thoughts:

You will never enjoy inner peace if you keep putting your energy into something that is beyond your control. Focus more on the good, have optimistic thoughts, and visualize a positive future and outcomes. If you think of the negative aspects, you end up giving more power and energy to that thought to manifest.

2. Meditate

Meditation is a powerful tool to practice when presented with Life’s challenges. Every time you meditate you are naturally medicating. Practicing self-healing meditation increases vibrations whilst decreasing hormones overproduced due to stress. You can meditate for as short as 5 minutes to as long as an hour, it is all about being mindful and present in the moment. Also, choosing the right type of meditation based on your need and development, lifestyle, and health conditions is very important to get maximum results. Find a meditation teacher/coach whose energy is higher than yours for a richer experience.

3. Forgive

The key ingredient for peace-filled relationships is forgiveness, forgiveness to self and others. This becomes easier when we understand that no one ever does anything wrong on purpose, and that most people live from a habitual place of unconscious words, actions and perceptions. Practising forgiveness elevates our mood and washes away thoughts that tend to dull us. When we practice forgiveness with intention and visually, we give energy to that thought to manifest and release our karma associated with that relationship, thereby neutralising the relationship. The memory remains, but the pain and emotion from that memory disappears. Also, it is a technique to awaken the heart.

4.  Learn to let go

Many of us do not allow for the right environment to nurture inner peace, due to constant chaos in our lives. Letting go of the past and cutting cords with anything or anybody that is not in your highest alignment is an ideal approach to follow. As easy as it sounds, letting go is one of the hardest things to do. While letting go of someone may bring pain for the moment, we need to remember that it is temporary and for our greater good. When we do not let go of toxic thoughts and emotions, and suppress them, they stay in our energy field and eventually manifest in our body as diseases. At Enerflow, we have scientific techniques to release these emotions. We sincerely believe that it is important to have the right set of tools to practice and incorporate them in our lives. We do not believe in only mystical talks and teaching wisdom, we empower you with techniques to help you achieve the desired results.

6. Give Back

The more you give, the more you shall receive. It is one of the 5 laws of Manifestation and Abundance. Practising unconditional generosity is a selfless act of giving without expecting anything in return. Practising acts of benevolence to people who are strangers or have nothing to do with you, generates karmic equity. The act of being generous does not only involve doing good deeds but, it truly helps connect with the essence of your true self.

The above techniques can be practised from the comfort of our spaces. However, to have an impactful outcome on our well being, a mentor or coach helps to structure the framework to address your needs. A mentor helps organise your thoughts and is able to apply ancient principles and values to our modern lifestyle.

Kanupriya, a mentor and coach, can help you achieve self-mastery to navigate and guide you on your journey to attaining inner peace. Inner peace is more permanent, long lasting and fulfilling. We can attain it if we consciously strive to make a way for it.

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