The Importance of Learning and Unlearning and Relearning

Learning is a constant process. From a baby learning to utter his or her first words to an adult learning to grapple with life’s problems – the learning curve only keeps growing. Our learning starts right when we are born. Our brain is like a computer software whose programming starts within the first 7 -10 years of our life.

The modes of learning are varied and not limited just to our parents or teachers. Our social circle, digital platforms, books, our observations, and the entire ecosystem we share a space with, constantly teach us something new every day. More often than not, we blindly believe what is fed to us without even questioning the truth. Sometimes, what we learn is not aligned with our truth and causes a contradiction. It is a version of another individual’s perception or version of their truth that trickles down to us.

We are all born with the sole purpose of learning our karmic lessons. We are released from the cycle of birth and death and suffering and enter the path of being of service to planets, the cosmos, and the universe. But until then, one is born millions of lives until we evolve into the perfect human being. And therefore it is very very important to learn the lessons of life or we would keep repeating the mistakes.

“Sometimes we need to learn HOW TO UNLEARN” – by Kanupriya Saraf Joshi

As we evolve and become self-aware, we are awakened about ourselves on a deeper level. We start understanding that what has been told or fed to us may not necessarily be true to ‘who we are’ or our true essence. Thus, we need to shed those aspects that do not serve us and unlearn them. The unlearning process involves realizing what does not align with us and assessing what we wish to develop and re-create in our lives. It is assessing what we need to keep and what we need to remove.

We are always told by elders that we will learn, but seldom does anybody tell us that we need to unlearn too. This is where a spiritual Life coach and a mentor helps to navigate and guide us through those tough questions in life, and also to get in touch with our higher divine self. Unlearning is probably the most difficult part, as usually a lot of things become part of our habits, routines, thoughts etc. Therefore, a lot of inner child work is needed to unlearn these ways.

Self-reflection and pure thinking time are an important part of unlearning, alongside working with a coach to give you the best results. Also, BE well healing science has advanced techniques to energetically extract out these obsolete programs in you, so a combination of healing and coaching works wonders and the results are faster!

Unlearning and Relearning are ongoing processes with no fixed deadlines. It depends entirely on how much an individual wants to invest in their personal growth. Even a few sessions can be life-changing for some while many prefer to have a dedicated healer cum life coach who can help them be on track as life keeps throwing curveballs.

Right now, many are experiencing a loss of self, identity crisis, questioning their meaning and existence on earth, and they are completely disconnected from their soul. A lot of it is fed to us as a result of other people’s experiences of life, and rather one must choose to learn from their own experiences. Our intellectual and logical mind tends to create these small boxes and compartments of everything and due to that, we do not see the bigger picture.

Right now, many are experiencing a loss of self, identity crisis, questioning their meaning and existence on earth, and they are completely disconnected from their soul. A lot of it is fed to us as a result of other people’s experiences of life, and rather one must choose to learn from their own experiences. Our intellectual and logical mind tends to create these small boxes and compartments of everything and due to that, we do not see the bigger picture.

Unlearning as a process helps us to rewire aspects that help us to grow to what aligns with our truth. It makes us feel more complete and fulfilled.

I call myself a student in the school of life as we are all learning and unlearning each day as the possibilities are endless. In my own journey of self-development, I yet, continue to work with my senior mentors, study, learn and upgrade skills and become a wiser soul and be on the path of enlightenment every day of my life.


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