Finding My Healing Journey

“I was at a place in life where I was ready to be his disciple.  The doors to his ashram opened up for me,  almost eight years after I first met him.”

I first met Master Del Pe (MDP) in New Delhi, India, in 2011. I experienced his miraculous healing techniques from our very first meeting when one of his healers helped me overcome life blockages at the time. I felt “touched” in that meeting, but I did not pursue it any further. Little did I know, this encounter would eventually lead me on a new journey- my true journey.

When was I ready for this journey? Before we jump into that transformational phase in my life, here’s a little flashback.

Born as a third child in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, I was the least healthy of the lot. Incubated at birth, my dad had to donate his blood to me for me to survive. In a way, it set the stage for me to become a warrior and a survivor. I was always an advanced child, an old soul, as they say. I knew there was something unique and evolved about me from a very young age. As an advanced soul, my imagination has always been vivid and ahead of my years. This helped me see situations differently; I was a curious child who constantly sought answers to the “Whys” of life. I started to learn things at an early age. I explored spirituality, astrology, Gita, Indian mythology, Buddhism, philosophy, psychology, health and nutrition, the human body, and more while growing up.

I gained a variety of knowledge, but didn’t realize that I had found my answers until the second time I connected to healing miracles and techniques by MDP. I was very sick at that time. And once again, I found myself at the behest of those who healed me before. That’s when I knew I was ready to take on a new journey. As they say, “When the student is ready, the teacher appears”. Agree?

As someone who takes the initiative, I decided to enrol in the BEwell Science healing workshops at MDP village in the Philippines. My journey to get there took me from Lagos, Nigeria, to the Philippines, all by myself. This was not an easy feat because the family I belong to does not support such practices and drastic decisions.

I remember the ride to  MDP Village from my hotel in Manila – I was exhausted! I slept a lot in the car and, in my waking moments, enjoyed the scenic beauty and views of the ocean that made the journey enchanting and worthwhile.

I was staying in a hut made of rattan and natural materials (with NO AC!). It was minimalistic and straightforward, all one’s basic needs taken care of. Our training consisted of intense workshops, healing, coaching sessions and martial arts practices.

MDP Village My room at MDP Village

On the 6th day of my retreat, I experienced something miraculous and magical during a healing session. A flash of white sparkling divine light poured down on top of my head, in the midst of the mountains of Cervantes. I believe it was a sort of calling, a life-transforming and enlightening moment of my journey that made me feel blissful, made my soul come alive. I cherish and value this moment at MDP village; it is etched in my memory forever.

On the 10th day, master drove me to the healing hot springs at 5 am himself. I had my first one-on-one personal interaction with MDP, and it was transformational.  His open-hearted conversation served as advice, mentoring, and a beginning to my spiritual grooming. I was truly mesmerized by his humble and charismatic aura and personality. He was unlike any other guru I had met. He didn’t impose his power on his followers but instead liberated them with warmth to follow our individual paths.

They say that at MDP Village, the energy of the place is healing in itself. I learned that our purpose is to use our knowledge to expand consciousness at a planetary level and be of service to Mother Earth and those in it. Meditation is the practice to develop oneself. Evolving with higher wisdom is vital to realise how we can contribute towards expanding global consciousness. Unconditional service is an essential step towards enlightenment.

I am so grateful to have met a master who has helped me rise spiritually exponentially in a short span of time, and made me believe that it is possible to attain enlightenment in this lifetime by growing from a karmic to a dharmic life.

If you are looking to follow this path, get in touch with a disciple or a Licensed Specialist at MDP Village.We offer a whole range of life tools, workshops, and retreats to advance on this path, online and in-person too.

“You do not have to go to a cave to attain enlightenment.” – Kanupriya Saraf Joshi

Often kids who are advanced souls, like me, are misunderstood by their parents and peers. I would appreciate it if you could connect anybody who needs guidance with me. Advanced souls have to be in the right hands to be nurtured differently than regular ones. Contact me to know more, as I can assist you in navigating your journey to your true purpose.

P.S. In simple words, Enlightenment is when one has learned all their life lessons and has realised the ultimate truth. The souls don’t reincarnate or take rebirth in the world of samsara (suffering) anymore. Normally, it takes a soul millions of lifetimes to reach this stage. After this stage, the soul may or may not take a human form, but their purpose on earth will be different and of higher service or they could be transferred to another planet.

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