Dark Night Of The Soul – A Psycho-Spiritual Phenomena

What is the dark night of the soul?

The dark night of the soul presents itself in a myriad of symptoms. Some rather common symptoms of this phenomenon include sleepless nights, severe or tension headaches and migraines, pains, fatigue, lethargy, brain fog, lack of hunger, motivation, and meaning, feeling lost, experiencing suicidal tendencies, and more. This syndrome often mimics clinical depression, anxiety, and abnormal psychological behaviors.

Experiencing the dark night of the soul is experiencing a disconnect from yourself. You may lose all motivation to do the things that you once loved. Staying in bed all day, and isolating yourself physically and emotionally from your closest friends and family may feel like the only way to eliminate the noise around you. You may be in a constant state of confusion and may be unable to comprehend your feelings and sensations within your body.

This syndrome also presents itself with signs of purging of karma, financial issues, spiritual apathy, as well as mysterious pains, aches, and diseases in the body. But most importantly, they need to feel, experience and connect with something deeper than yourself arises with a strange sense of urgency. The feeling of being lost along with the need to find a purpose and feel ‘normal’ again may make you yearn for answers. Any solution that makes the pain and loneliness go away may seem like the right thing to do.

Such a phenomenon indicates a state of spiritual crisis and is known as spiritual apathy. Millions of clueless souls who are lost suffer from the dark night silently and painfully. Bottling up their pain, apathy and hopelessness, they get medicated only for the physical repercussions of this condition and end up masking their symptoms. This esoteric depression, unfortunately, gets mislabeled, misdiagnosed and conventionally treated, only to resurface soon. 

The dark night of the soul is neither a psychological, nor a physical condition, but rather apsycho-spiritual one. A psycho-spiritual condition cannot be healed using conventional medicine, psychology or psychiatry. It needs psycho-energetic specialists who have studied and mastered the science of healing a body beyond its physical form and beyond what the human brain can comprehend.

The 7 Cycles of Life

An understanding of the 7 cycles of life helps us understand when we might experience this non-medical anomaly. The 4th and 7th cycles of our life are usually highly emotionally charged. This is when the soul begins purging older ways and negative beliefs that no longer serve your purpose ahead. The soul wishes to grow and get a spiritual upgrade of sorts. This triggers the dark night of the soul, and after this karmic constipation is unblocked, we feel better, brighter and healthier.

“But at the edge of darkness, you will find light.”

The World Institute for Incurable Diseases (WIID) is a healing home for multiple incurable diseases, non-medical responders, psycho-spiritual syndromes and their side effects. This institute, through thorough research and application of pioneering energy healing, helps people find solutions to phenomena like the dark night of the soul. The relief from its physical and spiritual manifestations such as pounding headaches, migraines, esoteric depression and spiritual apathy transforms people’s lives.

The healing process and education curriculum at WIID are backed by science and are holistic and authentic. They help people connect deeply with themselves as well as their purpose, surroundings, community and life. The end of every healing process is marked by a beautiful transformation and the emergence of a brand new person who is stronger, has a brighter outlook and is filled with love and hope.

The psycho-energetic specialists at WIID are professional and advanced in their approach. A basket of symptoms, such as in the dark night of the soul, needs advanced healing. Many spiritual practitioners and healers do not emphasise the purification of bodies and unblocking of energy pathways. They begin advanced healing techniques immediately. This may be detrimental to your overall health as it may lead to an overstimulation of the kundalini and other harmful effects triggering the sudden purging of a lot of karma in a very short span of time.


If you could relate to the condition and symptoms mentioned above, I urge you to find help and relief. I welcome you to experience BEwell Science healing and find a solution to your concerns and problems at WIID.

To address your apprehension and ease you into the process, I offer a 15-minute free consultation which helps me understand you better, and helps you understand what to expect on this transformative journey of healing.

I also encourage you to read ‘Beyond The Dark Night of The Soul’ by Master Del Pe, in which he addresses this psycho-spiritual syndrome in detail, offers templates to understand your condition and shares case studies of people who successfully reignited the spark within them.


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