Anxiety – An Invisible Illness

One of my clients came to me when her anxiety was at its worst.

Think headaches, migraines, back pains, joint pains, and random muscle aches. She was in an incessant loop of insomnia at night and fatigue during the day. Digestive issues, quickened and shallow breathing, heart palpitations and dizziness, bouts of uneasiness and an inability to focus now affected the quality of her life, as well as her work.

A conversation with her was all I needed to understand her routine and what parts of it contributed to her anxiety:

  • Working endlessly since she was embracing the ‘hustle culture’

  • Getting overwhelmed with stress at work

  • Being a perfectionist

  • Procrastinating for fear of failure

  • Experiencing panic attacks when approaching meetings or deadlines

  • Worsening relationships due to lack of personal time

All these factors had contributed to her anxiety, which now had endless physical manifestations.

But first, what is anxiety?

Anxiety is overwhelming worry or stress. While normal amounts of worry and stress can prove to be healthy and motivate us, anxiety dampens growth. It is unnecessarily amplified worry, often related to future outcomes.

What causes anxiety?

Most forms of anxiety arise from the fear of failure. What if I fail my exams? What if I fail at marriage? What if I blow this big deal? What if I make a mistake? What if everyone mocks me? What if I cannot provide for my family? What if I disappoint my parents or family?

Anxiety affects everything.

While anxiety has numerous health implications, right from psychosomatic pains to serious liver issues, it leaves its footprints on every other aspect of its bearer’s life.

Your house may be a mess. Your relationships may start turning sour due to irritability, frequent misunderstandings, a loss of patience and tolerance and even fatigue from constant stress. Relationships and people may fade as they unconsciously distance themselves from your anxiety.

The need to control people’s actions, fix things, restlessness, a lack of focus, getting distracted easily, and more, all stem from anxiety. Other markers include improper breathing and the feeling of being in closed or congested spaces, which occur when we allow our emotions to control our breath, instead of letting our breath control our emotions.

The hustle culture has ruined our peace of mind.

The world has developed a sudden affinity and passion for productivity and hustle. Hustling is now normalised and encouraged in children, adolescents and adults alike. If you aren’t hustling, you are probably lazy, aren’t maximising your potential and are simply wasting your life.

But are you?

While productivity is virtuous, the hustle culture forces you to fit a million tasks in an hour. A false sense of urgency, stressful competition, lack of patience, the glorification of sleepless nights, pressure from top management to maximise every second at work and quotes like ‘Never stop’ have ruined our quality of life and the beauty of stillness.

All it does is make us compare apples to oranges, and get anxious about things we think we need. But do we really need everything?

Anxiety goes deeper.

An interesting factor that fosters or plants the seed of anxiety in us, is our childhood. Experiences that we have as children leave deep imprints on us and manifest as anxiety in adulthood. Mothers may unknowingly pass on anxious behaviours and innate anxiety to babies. Children may pick up these traits from perfectionist parents and a strict or stressful environment during their upbringing.

Energy, Chakras & Anxiety

At its core, anxiety stems from a disturbance in energy and our Chakras. Everything is energy. While imbalances in any Chakra could lead to anxiety, the Chakras often associated with it are the Crown Chakra connected to the pineal gland, the Ajna Chakra connected to the pituitary gland, and the Solar plexus which is overstimulated when you feel anxious. Energy blockages in these Chakras, the limbic system and several glands may contribute to a disconnect between your spirit and body, leading to unexplained anxiety.

Healing and Overcoming Anxiety

“If you can control your breath, you can control your emotions.”

BEWell Science’s healing sessions focus on the basics and slowly move on to advanced techniques that help relieve anxiety. Breathing, meditation, energy alignment and finding the root cause give you answers to your questions and offer you a fresh start in life.

Anxiety healing, especially in toddlers, children and adolescents can do wonders for their self-worth, self-esteem, confidence and stress management skills. It can help streamline the flow of energy through Chakras and create a stable foundation for them.

The world is a better place without anxiety

If you have been feeling stressed or have been experiencing unexplained anxiety, panic attacks, random aches and pains throughout the body, I can help you find solace. No amount of medication, masking of symptoms or patchwork healing can help anxiety as much as inner healing can.

Get in touch with me for a free consultation and understand how I can help you heal yourself. Reboot and reset your life as you understand, overcome and heal anxiety with me.


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