Read for Every Modern Soul Seeking Enlightenment

Enlightenment often feels unachievable, unattainable, beyond reach or simply ‘not for me’.

It seems like the end goal of life; a goal we need to take up as we age and grow wiser. Unfortunately, a lot of people believe enlightenment simply…happens.

This blog discusses the whats & whys of enlightenment, and the various steps in the ‘curriculum’ of enlightenment, breaking this seemingly insurmountable mountain into stepping stones in your spiritual journey. But before we dive in, let us understand what enlightenment is and why every living being on earth needs to work towards it.

“Invest in your enlightenment; It pays the highest life dividends.”

— Master Del Pe

Enlightenment is the self-mastery of life’s basics.

It is the complete understanding of yourself; a destination full of awareness, consciousness and acceptance of self.

Every human being has five important pillars in life:

  • Family

  • Career

  • Health & recreation

  • Social life & community

  • Spiritual life

An imbalance in these five pillars can make you feel miserable and dissatisfied. If you have ever felt an emptiness or void despite being successful, rich, and ‘happy’, one or more of those pillars were probably missing. People often only meditate, practice yoga, go vegan or adopt one or two such habits in their lifetime, with an aim to achieve enlightenment.

A single spiritual practice or a combination of two, such as meditation, prayers, yoga, and veganism is only part of the formula for enlightenment. In the jigsaw puzzle of lifetimes, these pieces alone can never offer the bigger picture or make you feel whole. Like every other human being, you too, need a curriculum to achieve self-mastery in this lifetime.

The Curriculum of Enlightenment

On my path of spirituality, healing and enlightenment, I met many people who suffered and only then discovered spirituality. Their need for enlightenment was fuelled by pain, sorrow and darkness which led many to ritual-based practices rather than purpose-driven ones. I found that there was no formal training or curriculum for enlightenment under one school; a curriculum which was comprehensive and answered all the burning questions one had on a vast subject like enlightenment. I found many seekers who, despite working at a spiritual school, still yearned for answers. They were clueless, misguided, and confused among 3-4 different philosophies.

If there is only one truth, how are there so many misinterpretations?

In my search for enlightenment, I finally came across a book that helped me work towards spirituality like any other goal in life. In his book, ‘12 Rules to Achieve Enlightenment’, Master Del Pe speaks about the daily work, effort, discipline and consistency required to achieve enlightenment and self-mastery. The rules in the book explain and simplify the path to enlightenment, making it achievable for all.

And as you are about to begin your own journey, I thought it best to give you a headstart by sharing some things I learned along the way.

Here are five out of the many learnings I received from this book and learned on my journey of enlightenment:

  • Balance karma and follow the Golden Rule

Do good to people. Do good deeds and free yourself from the duties of this worldly plane. Don’t do unto others what you don’t want to be done to you.

  • Build character and audit yourself

Develop your mind and emotions. Strengthen yourself to be a better person. Dedicate time to audit yourself and to gain awareness about your thoughts, moods, behaviour and actions.

  • Balance materialism and spirituality

A healthy balance of spirituality and materialism ensures that we thrive both spiritually as well as financially. The practical and real aspects of the world must not be ignored or considered an option.

  • Do not settle for mediocrity

The journey of enlightenment is a path full of obstacles and sacrifices, which require passion and determination to be overcome. One of the obstacles is the need to be liked or validated by people who do not understand you. Follow your truth and your mission in life. This is the purpose you were born to fulfil.

  • Invest in your spiritual growth

Not all things in life come free. Invest in your spiritual growth physically, mentally, emotionally and financially. Find a spiritual mentor who will guide you on your path to enlightenment. Make time for your spiritual practices. Associate yourself with spiritual people.

Value of a student-mentor relationship (a.k.a guru shishya parampara in sanskrit)

The presence of a spiritual mentor is crucial to your journey. At BIHC (BElife Institute for Higher Consciousness), you will find experienced mentors, spiritual teachers and masters who not only initiate your spiritual advancements and developments but also help you measure your growth.

We use tools such as those which measure the size of your Chakras, and even the number of Kundalini layers that need to be peeled off to attain enlightenment, to help you quantify your level of spirituality and measure your progress.

Finding your spiritual family is another important step in this path to self-mastery. If you are looking for a family or tribe of like-minded spiritual people, who, just like you, yearn to progress spiritually and achieve enlightenment, get in touch with me.

An invitation to attain enlightenment

As a practitioner of spiritual practises, a healer, and an eternal student of spiritual growth, I urge you to fulfil your life’s purpose and achieve enlightenment with me. The courses, workshops, self-healing, and learning material that you will gain access to and experience will change your life, one session at a time.

I bring you tools, methods and a curriculum that you can access online, amidst your busy schedule, to initiate this important journey in your life.

Experience a modern way of spiritual learning, belonging, and growth with me and my spiritual community.


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