Raising a Spiritually Gifted Child

Your Child May Be A Spiritually Advanced Soul

Here is how you can adjust your parenting style:

I often find parents knocking at my door once they have exhausted search engines, scouring the internet for information on deep & complex topics like ‘advanced souls’, ‘children with psychic powers & visions’, ‘spiritually gifted children’, and more. I understand and empathise with the need to understand your child and to look for any hidden talents you can nurture early on.

Many children born these days are old and advanced souls. While they may not be old in terms of the years they have lived in this lifetime, their old soul has lived hundreds of lives, accumulating and storing their previous lives’ wisdom in an invisible depository called the ‘causal body’. As parents, it is important to understand this concept to be able to help your child navigate this life better.

Advanced souls have a way of releasing & connecting with their surroundings, and learning & experiencing life in different ways. An advanced soul will want to explore, experiment & ponder about life from an early age. These children may even find it difficult to fit in a conventional school & environment, deciding to not talk and closing off from a strange & unfamiliar world.

As an advanced soul born on Earth, I wasted many years trying to discover myself. As a result, I want to support & raise awareness about such children, so they receive the right mentoring & nurturing from a young age, and reach their highest potential.

To help you understand & modify your parenting style to match their needs, I have answered a few burning questions that caring and anxious parents like you often ask me:

Q: How do I know if my child is spiritually gifted?

Spiritually-inclined children often show distinct characteristics in their childhood. They may be highly-sensitive; some even showing signs of psychic abilities in the form of visions, high imagination, clairvoyance & telepathy; connecting with nature & animals, and getting overwhelmed in crowded places & loud noises. They might appreciate classical & soothing music, and thrive in peaceful environments. They may present difficulties in speech, focus, learning & socialising, personality disorders, signs of anxiety, autism, ADHD and pituitary gland disorders. They may even be visionaries and have high mental creativity, coming up with ideas & solutions that seemingly ‘normal’ people did think of.

Q: How does my parenting style affect my child’s spiritual growth?

Many such children may have processing issues due to a sensory overload. Too many external stimuli may freeze their thinking and functioning. A parenting style that is nurturing and compassionate helps these children gain confidence in themselves. It is crucial to accept them as they are, and to teach them how they can embrace their differences & talents.

If they ask questions, answer them to the best of your abilities. Do not humiliate or scold them. Direct their energy into creative channels. If they like a certain type of music or are intuitive, give into it. Help them evolve into their highest form of expression.

Q: Both my children are worlds apart. How do I adjust my parenting styles?

It can be challenging as a parent to nurture two children with very distinct personalities and characteristics. In such cases, remember that instilling values, basic emotional & social skills, and even necessary life skills are non-negotiable. However, what we must change is the approach towards each child.

Your advanced child may have abstract or non-linear thinking and reasoning. They may understand things that defy rationality and logic. It can be difficult for them to adapt to the traditional education and school system. They may do very well or even perform poorly. They show signs of an excellent or poor memory. Unfortunately, such children are shamed, scolded and humiliated to fit into societal systems with fear.

You, as a parent, can intervene as soon as you notice such signs and employ creative learning methods. You need to realise that your child may have a greater purpose, such as helping humanity evolve by shining their light. Comparisons between siblings, expressing frustration towards your spiritually-gifted child and limiting or curbing their expression are things all parents should avoid.

Q – How can I help my child if they are too young to even talk & follow instructions?

I once had a father seek my expertise for his 5-year-old daughter exhibiting signs of anxiety. He didn’t want to medicate her. Since I work with energy, even though a young child may not be able to express themselves well, I focus on aligning and allowing their energy to do its work during healing sessions. This has shown great results!

Any of the child’s caregivers can be present as a proxy for the child (if the child cannot sit for longer than 15 minutes). This is a unique approach & method that I have been trained in. Healing the child by having one of the parents as a proxy is a technique that we, at the World Institute of Incurable Diseases, are the only ones practising at the moment.

Clearly, it is never too late to begin your healing journey.

Q: How can I help my child achieve their fullest potential?

Your child may have needs beyond medical and conventional methods. The reasons for any ‘anomalies’ they present may be esoteric, deep & hidden, and often require a psycho-energetic specialist or an esoteric psychologist to unearth them. These specialists can soothe your overwhelmed child, make them feel understood, and help you build a safe environment for them.

I, therefore, invite you to have a chat with me.

Being a spiritually-gifted child & an advanced soul myself, it took me 30 whole years until I found Master Del Pe and his teachings which expanded my mind more than any higher education I have pursued in the world’s best universities. His teachings made me fully aware of my mind, talents and life. They helped me shift my perception towards the world. Suddenly, all the pieces in the puzzle of my life came together, and I achieved self-realisation.

I offer HEAL plans for advanced child conception and mentoring. I also assist with their educational curriculum if you choose to fulfil your child’s unspoken and unexpressed needs. Ask me your doubts & questions, and I shall be happy to educate you and offer you solace.

Remember, parenting is never easy, but growing up doesn’t have to be difficult either.


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Hindsight 2020