Heal thy Chakra, Heal thy self

Reminisce over the time you’ve had a fight with your loved ones, or you’re stressed because of the amount of work you have to do. Life throws challenges at us; our own battles and we go through certain thoughts and emotions which could imbalance us. Chakras are the software of our body that run our organs and physical body. Balancing and healing our chakras from the root cause is important to heal our body entirely.

Chakras are the vortices of energy in our body. Balanced chakras boost our energy and nourish our physical body. It also heals emotions and keeps you healthy. When our energy flow is hindered, we are susceptible to disease, mental disorders and emotional imbalances. Sometimes, we carry baggage from our recent past and ancient past, which affects our present. We find ourselves constantly saying “It runs in the family, or its genetic.” Healing our DNA and Chakras would help alleviate all the pain we feel. A lot of problems in our present life have its roots and origins in the past life and also part of our lineage. Techniques used by BE Well Science really heals and unblock your problems from its roots giving you long lasting and sustainable results.

There are significant chakras in our body. Each govern a significant aspect of our life.

Some of them are: 

  1. The crown of our head: Seat for wisdom, spirituality, intuition and unconditional love.

  2. Forehead: Memory and limbic system.

  3. Ajna: Will power, focus, concentration and your abstract mind.

  4. Throat: Seat for logic, the concrete mind and the ability to express and articulate yourself.

  5. Heart: The one place where love, kindness, compassion and joy are stored. It is also the seat of generosity, benevolence, consideration and devotion.

  6. Spleen: It purifies and detoxifies the blood and distributes it throughout the body.

  7. Navel: The powerhouse of our body, it stores and distributes stamina.

  8. Sex: The seat of our sexual expression and creativity.

  9. The base of the spine: This is also called the root chakra. Physical strength, financial power, survival instincts, groundedness is pulsated through the body from here.

Imagine finding it hard to focus while working, or you fought with your partner because you were critical and judgmental at that moment.

Healing your chakras can help bring about change into your life by: 

  1. Heals your emotions & sharpens your mind:

The Heart Chakra is the seat to your higher emotions while the Solar Plexus is the seat for lower emotions. It is important that the wisdom present in your heart regulates the Solar Plexus Chakra. Unwinding and unblocking thoughts which are hampering your emotional stability causes chaos within yourself. By energy healing, your auric form is changed and the negative, suppressed emotions are released, alleviating the stress that has been built up in your body. Balancing these chakras makes us more receptive and helps us assimilate our life, which is the fastest way to heal yourself.

2. Connects with Higher Spiritual Wisdom:

Having your crown chakra blocked stops growth and stability. An open crown chakra connects you to your spiritual side, leading you to enlightenment. It also aids in making your heart more receptive in nature. Ajna chakra boosts your creative intelligence, develops the abstract mind, and equips you to lead big projects as it is regulated by the wisdom of the Crown Chakra. It also guides you in overcoming all earthly desires and imbalances present, leading you to become one with the world and yourself, leading to peace and harmony all around. To attain this, it is imperative to balance your subjective chakras.

3. Boosts Finances:

Your root chakra is the most basic and vital of the chakras. Being stressed and having conflicting thoughts with your current job could block this chakra completely. Feelings of security and survival are blocked and thus, to ensure your financial stability, clearing out any blockage present is imperative. This energy centre is responsible for your growth and is linked to your financial security, physical strength and ability to execute and materialize your ideas. Many a times we make a multitude of plans but fail to execute them. This is due to a weak base chakra. It governs our bones and muscular strength as well. Boost your financial growth by balancing this chakra. Without a balanced chakra, your future growth can be severely impacted.

4. Healthy Relationships

Aside from your emotional stability, your heart chakra is responsible for the growth of healthy relationships, be it romantic or otherwise. With your heart being the centre of all your emotions, any blockage here causes a stream of negativity, which could cause you to make wrong decisions in your relationships too. This attracts apathy around you. Cleansing this chakra will guide you into making long-lasting relationships. Your throat chakra is also responsible for effective communication and thus, any blockages here would cause a strain. Creating harmony between the two is essential for the maintenance of healthy relationships.

5. Soul Mind Body Alignment

Balancing each and every chakra is extremely important to attain the ultimate soul-mind-body alignment. The unison of all three creates the ultimate being, with constant communication and synergy. This alignment with every chakra creates a dual dynamic between our humanity and our body. Creating equilibrium between all the 5 Levels of intelligence of a human being – Physical, Etheric, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual, which determines your Total Health Quotient or THQ, and is needed for growth, sustainability and stability.

Make a lifetime investment in your health and mental growth. Coach and understand your own human psychology as no one knows you, better than yourself. Focus on Self Mastery and become your own healer. This form of healing is holistic, natural and has no side effects. It also cleanses you from your past, helps transform your present and empowers your future. Awaken the power of your soul and be your own guide to a pain-free future!


Hindsight 2020