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Which chakra blockage is causing your life to go off-balance?

Your chakras control everything! Feeling overwhelmed? Tired? Angry? It's your chakras making you feel the way you feel. Do you find it easy to say what's in your heart or fear speaking how you feel?

Again, it's your chakras running the show behind the scenes. They are invisible vortices of energy spinning inside our body located along the middle meridian, that regulate our behavior, body organs and our life. They can be underactive or overactive.

Meet Kanupriya

Kanupriya is an energy healer & spiritual psychologist. She has received extensive training under an enlightened spiritual master and healing guru in the mountains of Philippines. She has been healing peoples health issues, addictions and unblocking their lives where many other methods tried by them failed. Through her powerful healings, life mentoring, many have been able to advance in their journey of life and regain lost mental, emotional and physical health.