Intuitive Reading

Sometimes science & concrete facts are not enough to arrive at conclusions. I combine many different inner powers such as clairvoyance, clairsentience, third eye, Pyschism, clairaudience, telepathy, channeling, precognition and abilities that are beyond the logical mind and what we can see and touch to help in different aspects of life.

How you’ll benefit

Kanupriya Saraf is an intuitive psycho-spiritual healer, life mentor and self-development expert, passionate about helping individuals & families free themselves from stress, anxiety, body pains & life disturbances without side effects of medications. Her focus is to address root causes of problems rather than suppressing symptoms. Her Unique approach in healing and mentoring her clients has made her a sought-after healing expert by elite Indian families and top executives.

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How it works

Kanupriya Saraf is an intuitive psycho-spiritual healer, life mentor and self-development expert, passionate about helping individuals & families free themselves from stress, anxiety, body pains & life disturbances without side effects of medications. Her focus is to address root causes of problems rather than suppressing symptoms. Her Unique approach in healing and mentoring her clients has made her a sought-after healing expert by elite Indian families and top executives.

Who’s it for?

Kanupriya Saraf is an intuitive psycho-spiritual healer, life mentor and self-development expert, passionate about helping individuals & families free themselves from stress, anxiety, body pains & life disturbances without side effects of medications. Her focus is to address root causes of problems rather than suppressing symptoms. Her Unique approach in healing and mentoring her clients has made her a sought-after healing expert by elite Indian families and top executives.

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