Intuitive Reading

Sometimes science & concrete facts are not enough to arrive at conclusions. In an intuitive reading, I receive downloads or answers from the universe and channel it and then use the throat as a medium to communicate it. Apart from this, I use other inner powers such as clairvoyance, clairsentience, third eye, psychic senses, clairaudience, telepathy, channeling, precognition to shed insights and solutions on clients problems or questions.

How you’ll benefit

  • Channel ideas that are
    original & creative

  • Develop a bigger picture view that covers both macro and micro

  • Diagnose root causes
    of health issues

  • Develop deeper

  • Understand your past, present, and future

  • Avoid blind spots in
    decision making

  • Decipher between
    right and wrong

  • Help in business partnerships, hiring key employees, and family issues

Kanupriya Saraf is an intuitive psycho-spiritual healer, life mentor and self-development expert, passionate about helping individuals & families free themselves from stress, anxiety, body pains & life disturbances without side effects of medications. Her focus is to address root causes of problems rather than suppressing symptoms. Her Unique approach in healing and mentoring her clients has made her a sought-after healing expert by elite Indian families and top executives.

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How it works

I do an unbiased energetic evaluation of your needs saying not only what you want to hear but scan the best options and recommend the next steps. If needed, I help facilitate communication between you and your soul.

Who’s it for?

For anybody who is confused and unable to make a decision, or wants more insights and guidance into a situation whether it’s related to marriage, business and career choices, buying or selling home, unexplained health issues, questions related to life path of their child, sending them to university, pregnancy related questions and lots

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