Business Rescue

Is your business facing challenging times or navigating financial distress? This service provides higher guidance, healing, unblocking and support to overcome obstacles and chart a course towards recovery or take a new direction.

Book a consultation with Kanupriya to discuss your unique challenges and receive guidance on how she can help you.

How you’ll benefit

  • Business intuitive

  • Mediate conflicts with diplomacy and establish communication

  • Diversifying or restructuring your businesses

  • Launching a
    new product

  • Unblocking of lawsuits, business deals, stuck money

  • Crisis

  • Choosing business

  • Winning business

  • Understanding when your negotiating power is high

  • Understanding right time to sign or exit contracts

  • Decisions on buying
    and selling

  • Instilling wisdom in
    decision making

  • Developing abstract mind to hold the vision of strategic business decisions

  • Self-development and mentoring for business leaders

  • Increase Sales

Kanupriya Saraf is an intuitive psycho-spiritual healer, life mentor and self-development expert, passionate about helping individuals & families free themselves from stress, anxiety, body pains & life disturbances. Her Unique approach in healing and mentoring her clients has made her a sought-after healing expert by elite Indian families and top executives.

In this call, Kanupriya will do a thorough assessment of your challenges and recommend a tailor made healing solution. Since every businesses challenges are different, it is not possible to advise on a fee without an initial consultation. This is a professional service.

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