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Blending ancient eastern wisdom and modern scientific methods, Kanupriya is a spiritual wellness leader guiding her clients towards living a stress-free life. Her mission is to harmonize the demands of contemporary life and transcend obstacles that arise on our path to personal evolution, whilst ensuring emotional safety, confidentiality and trust throughout the healing process.

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11 Ways to Master Your Energy

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11 Ways to Master Your Energy

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  • Self Discovery Programs

    Explore the depths of your being, discover the unique path that aligns with your values & manifest your desires.

  • Healing Plans

    Alternative solution to conventional medicine healing root cause of imbalance in your mind and body.

  • Spiritual Consultations

    Spiritual Consultations

    Feeling confused, lost, having no clarity? Deep within, your inner self yearns for the ultimate truth.

  • Home Reform

    Create a world where your surroundings align with your intentions and let in the power of Feng Shui.

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  • She always made sure her presence was calming and her energy was light hearted which lifted my spirits and encouraged me to be vulnerable without any fear of judgement. In addition, she was available over the phone and emails in between sessions and helped clarify my questions and offered guidance when I needed it. She was very meticulous during every session and invested a lot of energy coaching me in chakra healing exercises and meditation. She went above and beyond and shared reading and training recommendations for continued learning and healing, while connecting those to my life experiences and my journey to spiritual growth so I could relate to their significance.

    R.B, Athlete, Canada

  • It was a pleasure working with Kanurpriya and everytime we met I felt a change in my life and energy levels. She gave me differentiated support, breathwork and exercises based on my personal needs and goals. She is a pleasure to work with, I have gained so much insight by just being in her presence. One of my goals of working with her was to increase my energy levels and get the zest of my life back. I am happy to inform you that I have started working on a personal project which I had been delaying for so long. I highly recommend her and the practice she has been a pleasure to work with.

    S.K., Fashion Designer, India

  • I am so grateful to Kanupriya for alleviating my anxiety. I had a total brain fog and was going through a rough patch in my life. I knew that I needed help. I came across her profile and had a brief meeting with her where she explained about the sessions. During the sessions, I could sense the change I was going through. My anxiety was gone and my self-esteem was uplifted. She is a great teacher and she is very patient. I have learned various techniques from her that help me stay grounded and make better choices in my life. It is a life changing experience and I would like to tell people to enroll themselves for the sessions without any doubt. Thank you so much Kanupriya, for making my life better and guiding me through this new path.

    P.W. Homemaker, Italy

  • General feeling of depressions and low levels of mental and physical energy. No peace of mind and severe insomnia. After the very first session, I left with a sense of calm in my body and in my mind. This feeling of stability only grew stronger with each session. I found Kanupriya's way of conducting guided meditation extremely helpful. A special shoutout to her as she is a wonderful coach and a better soul. She was quick to spot my buttons and guide me very tactfully through the entire process.

    Y.B. Businessman, India